What is Mangal Dosha

There is no doubt that the Mangal dosha can cause issues related to marriage matters, but how to check, if you are really Manglik. There are calculators/ other free tools available to check Mangal dosha,But if you know actual facts about Mangal Dosha and what to do, even if you are Manglik,the problem of 75% of people will be resolved.

Mangal Dosha, one of Vedic Astrology's most debatable words, has probably become a scapegoat or easy to blame for many. The words Manglik Dosha, Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha are looming large and play heavy in marriage-related matters, especially for females in India.

what is mangal dosha

Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha, or Manglik Dosha in Vedic astrology is the most common Dosha that most of us hear. This is probably the only Dosha blamed for all kinds of marriage problems. People give too much importance to Mangal Dosha, disregarding the impact of other planets. Some astrologers see Mangal Dosha as such a blemish that the person is probably born with a black spot in their marriage and then suggest Totkas or non-existent remedies to overcome the effects of Mangal Dosha. While Mangal Dosha has its significance, it should not overshadow the impact of other planets.