Synthetic Data: Description, Benefits and Implementation

The quality and volume of data are critical to the success of AI algorithms. Real-world data collection is expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, due to privacy regulations, real-world data cannot be used for research or training in most situations, such as healthcare and the financial sector. Another disadvantage is the data’s lack of availability and sensitivity. To power deep learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, we need massive data sets.

Synthetic data, a new area of artificial intelligence, relieves you of the burdens of manual data acquisition, annotation, and cleaning. Synthetic data generation solves the problem of acquiring data that would otherwise be impossible to obtain. Synthetic data generation will produce the same results as real-world data in a fraction of the time and with no loss of privacy.

Visual simulations and recreations of real-world environments are the focus of synthetic data generation. It is photorealistic, scalable, and powerful data that was created for training using cutting-edge computer graphics and data generation algorithms. It is highly variable, unbiased, and annotated with absolute accuracy and ground truth, removing the bottlenecks associated with manual data collection and annotation