Santosh Deemed to be University's Top Achievers Embark on AEEDC Dubai Adventure

Throwback to when our top three performers were honored with the incredible opportunity to participate in a fully paid trip to AEEDC Dubai as a recognition of their outstanding achievements!
During this unforgettable educational tour, our students had the chance to engage with prominent figures in the global dental industry and were exposed to cutting-edge dental technologies worldwide.
This experience was designed to enhance their academic acumen, fostering increased knowledge and expertise.
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#ThrowbackAchievements #AEEDCDubaiTrip #DentalEducationExperience #GlobalDentalEngagement #CuttingEdgeTech #AcademicAcumen #KnowledgeFostering #SantoshUniversity #santoshdeemedtobeuniversity #santoshnursingcollege #students #santoshmedicalcollege #studentwelfare