With political shocks now out of the way in both the US and UK, pound sterling has been rising against the Euro since the beginning of November. The exchange has finally broken the 50-day averate and is rising all the way up to its current level of just above 1.1600. This needed break is pushing positive momentum and will soon advocate for further gains with analysts estimating multi-week gains. This is good news on every front of the economy and investing in property abroad.

The Spanish property market barely faltered when news of the Brexit hit the air ways. Many did however become worried about their current property investments in Marbella, Costa del Sol. But little damage was done, and property investments here on the Costa del Sol stayed strong. Even amongst current buyers, the number of people from the UK wanting to buy property on the Costa del Sol barely flinched. The property market here in the South of Spain is still seeing record growth, and more Britt’s are buying homes or second holiday homes here on the Coast

Fear Of Impending Eurozone Collapse Exaggerated
No one is denying the world has gone through some serious ups and downs, considering both sides of the Atlantic have seen shocking results that both defied polls and analysts, but after the dust settles, we can clearly see there is in fact no doom and gloom as predicted. Even though we are currently seeing some dips in the stock market after Trump’s stunning victory in the US, we are also seeing a comeback to stability.

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