Kamishibai board, Digital Kamishibai boards and kamishibai cards

In the Lean Daily Management System, Kamishibai boards are visual management tools for daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly audits. Kamishibai board is a visual management tool that helps track data, goals, corrective measures and improve sustainability. Various processes are audited consistently and monitored regularly.
Kamishibai is a visual guide for leaders to visit areas, create checklists, observe processes, and document improvement opportunities.

Task Visualisation: Keeping track of tasks and responsibilities can be challenging for leaders. However, Digital Kamishibai boards can help you stay organised by visually displaying your standard work activities. This system ensures that you complete all essential tasks, and you can easily monitor your progress.
Standardised Process Confirmation: Leaders can create role-specific checklists displayed on Kamishibai boards.
Daily Accountability: Kamishibai boards help promote daily accountability for Leader Standard Work. With these boards, leaders can assign tasks to themselves or team members and easily monitor and track their status and progress. Kamishibai helps to ensure that processes are consistently performed and monitored, leading to better results and outcomes.
Continuous Improvement: Leaders can use Kamishibai boards to identify areas for improvement within their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), capture improvement ideas, and track the implementation of changes or experiments.
Greater Visibility: Kamishibai boards provide better visibility for Leader Standard Work execution. Managers can monitor SOP adherence and spot areas needing intervention by displaying tasks and their status on Kamishibai boards.
PDCA Cycle: Kamishibai boards provide a framework for leaders to organise their tasks, carry them out, evaluate the results, and take the necessary action based on the findings using the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. This process is repeated continuously to drive improvement and ensure that Leader Standard Work remains effective.
Team Collaboration: Kamishibai boards can be used to train and onboard new team members by displaying work orders and providing guidance and instructions. This helps individuals understand their roles and responsibilities and align them with the organisational goals.