Depth Campaign- An Initiative to Save the Nation from Lifelong Disability

Dera Sacha Sauda, the socio-spiritual organization was established by most Revered Saint Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj on April 29, 1948 in commandment of HIS Guru honorable Saint Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. When honorable Guru Ji (Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj) blessed HIS Holiness Shah Mastana Ji with the divine power and ordered HIM to emancipate people in area of Bagar, HE along with some devotees started looking for a site to establish Ashram and then finalized the place where Shah Mastana Ji Dham stands today. The Ashram was then named as Dera Sacha Sauda by revered Guru Ji. This place is situated about two kilometers from the city in the southern direction, on the Sirsa-Bhadra road, which is famously known as Shah Satnam Singh Ji Marg. The place during those times was barren land covered with thorny bushes, but His Holiness chose this piece of land and made it the most auspicious place for the whole world where people from all caste, religion and race come together, without any discrimination and chant the Supreme God’s Name in an equal manner.