MarTech Interview with Analisa Goodin, Chief Executive Officer at Catch+Release

Analisa, could you kindly share a brief overview of your journey to the role of CEO at Catch+Release?
I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey not with the primary goal of starting a company but by recognizing and addressing a significant problem. That is how brands discover and safely license visual content for all types of downstream usages and campaigns. In the early stages, I immersed myself in solving this problem for customers and gradually built a team as market demand grew. However, as the team expanded to around 20 people, I realized that focusing solely on customer problem-solving was no longer sufficient. This marked my transition from urgently addressing a customer problem to intentionally constructing a company to address the broader market pain. This realization led me to embrace the CEO role, overcoming initial self-consciousness about adopting the title. I embraced the associated responsibilities, ensuring financial stability, strategically recruiting team members with the right expertise, and providing developmental paths aligned with company goals. My focus expanded to setting strategic directions for the company, and as I progressed, my perspective broadened beyond immediate customer needs to encompass how we address a larger market segment.

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